Earth Angel Invest

Times are changing and some things are getting better: Good contacts don't happen by chance, they are created.
(Fulton-Smith & Ranftl)
Times are changing and some things are getting better: Good contacts don't happen by chance, they are created.
(Fulton-Smith & Ranftl)
We connect
We connect



Sustainability is the key to a liveable future – let’s act together today to preserve our tomorrow.

Social responsibility

Social responsibility is in our hands and together we can change the world for the better.

Ethical Investment

We believe that investments should not only be profitable, but also be in line with personal values and ethical convictions.

Why we

How we do it

We have a high-caliber, international network in various fields. Our goal is to bring business partners together worldwide to create synergies that generate strong, fair, and contemporary growth opportunities. We live by the realisation that the fusion of different business worlds opens up new horizons and offers boundless opportunities for innovation, efficiency, and progress.

In short: We connect people.

We are convinced that as a TEAM, we can recognize valuable opportunities and connect people who want to achieve something with passion. Together, we are more successful, because by sharing knowledge, resources, and perspectives, we can tackle bigger challenges and achieve extraordinary results.

About Us

Who we are

"Life is too young for old perspectives."

Our vision includes advising and networking by connecting international investors and our partners, customers, and private contacts, developing ideas, structuring and, if required, developing tailor-made solutions. Due to our experience, we can also act as sparring partners for selected projects. With a critical eye of enthusiasm and realism, we bring people to the table and show where the goal is and how we can achieve it together.

“Giving is more blessed than receiving.”

We are aware of our social and ethical responsibilities and want to act in accordance with moral principles and ethical values in business as well. We strive for conscious decisions that consider the well-being of other people, society as a whole, and the environment. This includes weighing the possible impacts and consequences of our own actions and striving for a positive and sustainable influence on the social, ecological, and economic environment – regardless of short-term goals. Because of this, we also implement the importance to always returning a portion of our earned successes – in consultation with our partners – to charitable organizations.


4. media Get-Together by Dragonbird Films

sponsored by EARTH ANGEL INVEST GmbH

„Service to others is the rent you pay, for the room here on earth“

(Muhammad Ali)

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